Thursday, April 28, 2011

chocolate gravy

Yes, you read the title correctly...Chocolate Gravy! That's exactly what I made for breakfast this morning, served over homemade biscuits and topped with strawberries. And every bite was sooooooo delicious. :) Then tonight I topped off the evening with some authentic Italian cooking from the Skinny Italian cookbook that I checked out from the library the other day. (I even took the time to work in some table etiquette for my boys during dinner.)
All of this run down on what we had to eat today because it was part of what made my day so fulfilling. I was energized and had a fresh outlook on how I could tweak things in my home to make them a little nicer--sweeter. I organized a few things, and in the process got to take a look at all that the boys have accomplished in school this year. They (and by they, I mean "we":)) have done a TON this year, and that truly encouraged this little old mother's heart of mine.
Then I decided, "Hey, my end tables in my living room could use a fresh look. Why not paint them?" So I got one of the tables almost finished.
Oh, and did I mention that I got 4 miles of walking in today?
It was a supermom day for me today. Tomorrow may not be so grand, but today I will bask in the glory of every single one of my accomplishments and believe that I truly did deserve every drop of chocolate milk that I just drained from my glass.
What was your supermom moment today?